Japanese Tin Windup Tank Prewar Toy for Sale *SOLD*

Japanese Tin Windup Tank -Prewar Toy For Sale

Experience tells us this will be a slow seller, but we are obstinate.  It is a pre-war War toy from Japan.  Quality is not all there, size is small, features remind one of German toys, American collectors tend to overlook these Japanese toys, and the domestic Japanese market would like to forget war.

Yet we get it.  This tank is a revisiting of German toy designs by Gamma, but simplified and cheap.  The tracks don’t work for us, and we aren’t sure if they ever were made to work.  They freewheel.  The windup simply controls a sparker for the turret (no flint is left).  It is a push toy and light, and of simple lithography.

This said, it is a survivor of pre-World War 2 times.  The design is evocative, it it is unusual in design too.  Our hope is that it finds the right collector with historical interests.


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 6 in