Old Toys and Photos of Old Toys
Old Toys & Photos– What is your time frame? E
Marty asked me to define and antique.
‘It is officially a toy over 100 years…’ I said.
Then he asked about vintage toys. ‘..To me it is a toy that is at least 15 years old’
Then he drilled deeper and asked me to define the term “Old Toys.” This request had me a bit stumped.

The is the normal definition of an “Old toy”. It is a well used toy from a generation or two ago…. This old toy is an Antique
Old Toy; maybe! It is the Batmobile from the 1960’s and made in Japan.
‘What is old’, I think to myself, and then I wax philosophical. To me old depends on your reference. In the age of the world as we know it, 100 years is a blink of the eye new. So I roll back to human perception and then reference a lifetime. Then again, I have to roll back to the perspective of the person asking.
Don’t dare ask my kids what is old, because to them, 4 years is old. To them (say my 8 year old), 4 years represents half of a lifetime! So I have to cut her slack.
To me, a Gen X guy, something made in the 1980’s and previous is old. -Or then again maybe the 80’s represent vintage and the 60’s are the time of “old toys.” I get a bit flustered here because if the 80’s toys are old then I’m old?!?. I settle on the 60’s toys as being old toys.
So now I have to roll back my perception and keep it simple. Old toys are anything that aren’t currently in production. -Make sense? This way I can say that the “old Star Wars toys” in Target last year were nice; the new ones for Rogue One are better! 🙂
-Be sure to check out our “Old Toys” for sale here at AntiqueToys. I’ll be inclusive of some soon-to-be classics of the 60’s and may even edge towards showcasing a few from the 1970’s!
Be well & Happy Old Toy Hunting!
Best Regards,