Cast Iron Sedan, Willy’s Knight, by Kenton Toys
We enjoyed a recent sale and started scratching our heads about an obscure car toy. It was styled after a lesser known brand– Willy’s Knight and produced by Kenton. We would like to track down one for our archive.
Kenton Toys, based in Kenton, Ohio, produced some of the most detailed toys of the early 20th Century. This Willy’s Knight picture shows a bit of an ugly duckling toy, but in a superior metal sculpt. The Kenton foundry and sculpting department did right in their rendition. -Smooth slanting fenders, four sets of square windows and subtile rounded edges. Wheels are smooth disc style designs, and at the rear, a spare.
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Let us know if you have one of these Kenton Toys automobiles to sell, or a lead. We would like to find one in better condition and enjoy the look. We have seen a red version as well as blue car toy with black accents. On the rear spare should be painted accents, possibly painted tail lights imbedded.
Contact us a with leads and thanks in advance!
Best Regards,