Buddy L Outdoor Railroad Train with Tender

Welcome to the world of Buddy L and the followed, but secretive world of outdoor trains.  This particular toy comes deserves a fresh photo shoot and a sharing of the detail, the steel, the beauty.

The toy is either steel, or brass, or cast stainless, or chromed steel.  It is massive, heavy, and extremely well built.  The tender has some rivets to show the attention, as well as doors that open, a drain plug, and then a water basin with top door.

All wheels must have taken copious amounts of time to cast, shave, polish, then coat with Buddy L’s Shermin Williams baked on enamel.

Enjoy the almost-antique-toy-shoot!  We were happy to see it in the flesh and steel!


  1. Pete Wlasuk on October 1, 2019 at 10:44 pm

    ??? Is this something you are selling? Odd wording at the beginning.

    • Kristy on October 8, 2019 at 7:57 pm

      Yes this item is for sale. Thank you for your interest and sorry about any confusion the wording may have caused.

      • Arin Dunlap on April 8, 2020 at 7:25 am

        Is this still for sale? If so, how much??
        How can i contact you about it?

        I am very interested in the buddy l train!

        Please let me know.

        • Kristy on April 10, 2020 at 11:22 pm

          Hi Arin, please call Ed at our office number 1-727-777-4206…he will have more information for you about this. If we do not have it in stock I am sure we can try find one for you or put you in touch with someone else who may have it.

  2. Arin Dunlap on April 8, 2020 at 8:07 am

    Hi, is this still for sale????

    If so, I’m extremely interested!!

    and do I call your website to get more info on this buddy l train?

    My apologies if this is my third comment


    • Kristy on April 10, 2020 at 10:43 pm

      Hi Arin, please call Ed at our office number 1-727-777-4206…he will have more information for you about this. If we do not have it in stock I am sure we can try find one for you or put you in touch with someone else who may have it.

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