New Toy Review videos on Popeye with Rowboat and Kingsbury Coupe windup
New Toy Review videos on Popeye with Rowboat and Kingsbury Coupe windup Just when you thought it was safe, we have new toy reviews! Yes, we have some killer toys– Popeye with Rowboat battery op and a battery-op Kingsbury coupe with windups. Kingsbury Coupe and Popeye toy reviews above.
Read MoreThe Steve McQueen Collection-Throwback Post to 1997-
Movie star / Race Car Driver – “Put Steve McQueen behind the wheel of anything and you’ve got a movie,” one Car Place reader wrote in voting Bullitt the best car movie ever made. By a sizable margin, Car Place readers selected Bullitt as the best car movie. In this famous movie, detective Frank Bullitt…
Read MorePiano Band Toys from Strauss and Unique Art- Ham & Sam, Howdy Doody, and Li’l Abner
Ask a kid today about a piano and they will ask about what video game or phone ap you are talking about. They may ask you about which Casio style keyboard you are speaking of. Remotely, they may know about full sized pianos. Pianos used to be a a core of American life in the…
Read MoreHubley Chrysler Airflow Sedan with lights Review
Hubley Chrysler Airflow Sedan with lights Review As a long time cast iron toy enthusiast and research, I’ve waited for the day to see a Chrysler Airflow sedan in person. Earlier I had a fleeting glance of a gray one, but never did I actually hold one. Well through a kind gentleman and referral, I…
Read MoreDent Cast Iron Cars and Trucks
Through good fortune as of late, we have been able to enjoy toys made by the American cast iron company Dent. Dent’s history is one of preciseness, success, and then an end to the toy production. Dent Hardware Co. Fullerton, Pennsylvania 1895-1937 ( continued to manufacture cold storage hardware until 1937). Founder: Henry H. Dent, with…
Read MoreTry to Imagine your Toy Collection in the Path of a Hurricane…..
Try to Imagine your Toy Collection in the Path of a Hurricane….. Now try to imagine you are on a sand bar, a peninsula, a lower plot of land, and now the Hurricane is a Category 5. As I write, the “odds” are favorable for a near miss, but one never knows. Hurricane Irma is…
Read MoreOld Firetruck toys and a quick Video Review
Old Firetruck toys and a quick Video Review Greetings from Ed over at . Today is a quick cast iron fire truck review with two Hubley toys for comparison. We also have a great 80’s Ertl fire truck bank from the 1920’s (style). You can see the Hubley Diamond T style grill and the…
Read MoreHubley Ahrens Fox uncovered in plain sight- The Story of Circulating with People
Modern trends for toy collecting dictate a plush chair, an internet connection, and a sound “device” to browse the world of e-commerce. Soon we may just “Jack in” a-la-Matrix and get a direct electrical connection into our brian. I don’t follow modern trends and I actually get my ass out of the chair and go nose-to-nose,…
Read MoreEstate Toys For Sale and Liquidation
Estate Toys for Sale– Visit and Referrals This week has been a great one for reaching out and seeing toy collections. Monday entailed a visit to a bank collector. On Wednesday I had the privilege and yet somber task of seeing a large toy collection and assisting the estate. We ended up going to the…
Read MoreCast Iron Still Bank Collection
Cast Iron Still Bank Collection This selection is humble, but the quality is there. Here are some pictures to share of an early cast iron still bank collection. Pictured are still banks by Kyser and Rex, the Animal Bank and Yong America, along side a Victorian Bank and Teller Bank. Kyser and Rex toys…
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