Dayton Hillclimber Pressed Steel Toy Car Tonneau *SOLD*

Dayton Hillclimber Pressed Steel Toy Car For Sale- Tonneau

This pressed steel car was made by Dayton Toys in Ohio around the turn of the century.  Accessories like the driver, steering wheel, and lanterns are cast.  It is a very primitive design and in its proper yellow coloration with bright green stripes.

Overall length is around 9 1/2″.

Our Tonneau was restored and has replacement figures.  We apologize for the crudeness of it all, however the original toy was quickly made and pushed out the door for fast production.  The restoration has the same crude look. Driver and passenger are replaced and removable.  The driver and lady make an elegant pair.

The friction mechanism is difficult to roll but all there and just as the original toy was- a bit of a gimmick that often binds.

Dayton Friction Toy Works Dayton, Ohio
Founder: D.P. Clark (see D.P. Clark) D.P. Clark was the predecessor of the Dayton Friction
Specialty: Pressed Steel friction toys with patented horizontal flywheel.
Patented horizontal flywheel (1926) under trade name “Gyro”; maker of child-size, up to 24 inches long.

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 14 × 12 in